Top 10k strings from French Tape 1 (1986)(Hill MacGibbon)(Tape 2 of 2 Side A).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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  29 y(pointer)-1
  28                 "
  25 ,x(pointer);"
  22 question=1
  20 "look at #page 
  18 7 #for help.*"
  14 pointer=pointer+1
  12 yd,xd;"e":
  12 y(pointer),x(pointer);"e";
  12 v(pointer))
  12 sy,sx;"e";
  12 hy,hx;"e";
  10 ;"              ":
   9 y(f),x(f):
   9 a$(pointer,f)="e"
   8 e=x(pointer):
   8 8 #in the book.*"
   8 "Look at #page 
   6 s$(pointer,f)="
   6 ;"aux  pour en";
   6 ;"a   a l'  a la";
   6 "Il est #_________#la bo6te.*"
   5 yd,xd;"a":
   5 sy,sx;"a";
   5 The correct
   5 ;"answer is";
   5 ;"The correct"; 
   5  words in your# answer.*"
   4 yd,xd;q$(f);
   4 yd,xd;"u":
   4 y(pointer),x(pointer);i$;:
   4 y(pointer),x(pointer);;"
   4 y(pointer),x(pointer);"u";
   4 y(pointer),x(pointer);"a";
   4 y(pointer),x(pointer);"
   4 x(pointer)=x(pointer)-1
   4 x(pointer)=x(pointer)+1
   4 x(pointer)=e:
   4 x(pointer)
   4 without a hint
   4 v(pointer)+4
   4 v(pointer));
   4 v(pointer)
   4 v$=a$(pointer,1
   4 v$=a$(pointer,
   4 t$=h$(h(pointer,try))
   4 sy,sx;s$(pointer,f);
   4 sy,sx;"i";
   4 s$(pointer,f)="6"
   4 s$(pointer,f)="4"
   4 s$(pointer,f)="3"
   4 s$(pointer,f)="2"
   4 s$(pointer,f)="1"
   4 s$(pointer,f)="*"
   4 s$(pointer,f)="#"
   4 m/c       X
   4 insetred nov 
   4 hy,hx;t$(f);
   4 hy,hx;"a";
   4 hy,hx;"3";:
   4 hy,hx;"2";:
   4 hy,hx;"1";:
   4 c$="                                "
   4 a$(pointer,1
   4 You have managed
   4 WORKSPACE       ":
   4 The right answer
   4 HINT            ": 
   4 CORRECT answer"
   4 <8<<8D @<D
   4 ;"To use this Module again press R                 to stop press S"
   4 ;"To edit your input press -"
   4 ;"The following keys will give youaccented letters"
   4 ;" 1 = e   2 = e   3 = e    4 = a"
   4 ;"                                ":
   4 -------------------------------------------------------
   4 ++++++ entry +++++++++++
   4 *********************************************************
   4 *******************************
   4 ******************************   right   ***********************************************
   4 ******************************   print hint  hnt **********************************************************************
   4 *****************************  screen end **********************************************
   4 ************************** 
   4 "Mes voitures#sont _____.*"
   4 "Ma voiture#est ______.*"
   4 "MAKE SURE THAT #you have used #
   4 "          ":
   4 "                                ":
   4  start of program 
   4  ******************************************************************
   4  ***** set screen *****
   4   test  test the answer 
   4   question 2
   4   question 1
   4    inp  INPUT SUB 
   4       Choose now please         
   4                          "
   4                                                                 "
   3 tot=tot+10
   3 sy,sx;"4";:
   3 sy,sx;"2";:
   3 s$(pointer,f)="7"
   3 question=2
   3 q$="Complete the following# phrases ......* ":
   3 e=x(pointer)
   3 a$(pointer,f)="u"
   3 a$(pointer,f)="a"
   3 a$(pointer,f)="5"
   3 a$(pointer,f)="4"
   3 a$(pointer,f)="3"
   3 a$(pointer,f)="2"
   3 a$(pointer,f)="1"
   3 a$((pointer),f)="e"
   3 HINT            "
   3 Complete the following sentences
   3 =================================== INSTRUCTIONS =======================================
   3 ;a$(pointer,
   3 ;"question 2"
   3 ;"question 1"
   3 ;"Will delete the word"
   3 ;"Please write these down to help you."
   3 ;" 5 = u  ":
   3 ;"     Playboy          ":
   3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++   END    +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   3 ************************************************************************************************************************
   3 ******************************** clear message area  ***********************************
   3 ' at the END        of your input"
   3 "Elle est #______________# cin1ma.*"
   3 "Choose from#celui#celle#ceux#celles*"
   3 ";" and ";"
   3 "(3)  To end"
   3 "(2)  To see Instructions"
   3 "(1)  To run the program again"
   3 "   Press '
   3  give right answer
   3  The following keys will give    you the accented letters
   3  Prepositions   
   3  Possessives and Pronouns 
   3  Interrogatives/Negatives 
   3  6 = o   7 = c    8 = i"
   3   subq  display sub   question    
   3   set up screen 
   3   END QUESTION 2 
   3    INTERVIEW AVEC     "
   3    ++++++++++++++++                   WAIT                         +++++++++++++++
   3     Milliardaire      ";
   3     Gaston Lefric     
   3      completez les phrases      "
   3      CHOOSE NOW PLEASE (1-3)    
   3        OPTIONS AVAILABLE        
   3                       "
   2 | DD <TTxD
   2 y(pointer),x(pointer);"_________";
   2 y(pointer),x(pointer);"_";
   2 v$="ch2re"
   2 sy,sx;"o";
   2 sy,sx;"c";
   2 s$(pointer,f)="8"
   2 q$="O5 est le cin1ma?    *"
   2 Press any key
   2 Prepositions
   2 French module 8 
   2 French module 7 
   2 French module 6 
   2 French module 5 
   2 For Pan Study aids 
   2 @ D< DTT@D
   2 ;"you wish to work through."
   2 ;"question 1";
   2 ;"__________________________"
   2 ;"Please select the module";
   2 ;"Choose A or B"
   2 ;"            ":
   2 ;"              ";
   2 ;"                                                                                               "
   2 ;"         
   2 999999999999999999999999999999999:888888899999999999999999989:999:8::8:88999999999999999999899999:8::8:8899999999999999999989999999999999999999999999999999999999888888888888<<<<<<88888888888899888888888888<<<<<<8888888888889988<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<889988<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<889988<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<889988<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<8899888888::::::::::::::::::88888899888888::::::::::::::::::88888899888888::::::::::::::::::888888998888888888888888888888888888889988888888888888888888888888888899888888888888888888888888888888998888888888888888888888888888889988888888888888888888888888888899888888888888888888888888888888998888888888888888888888888888889999999999999999999999999999999998888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
   2 8 #for help.*"
   2 ,x(pointer);"         ":
   2 +++++++++++++++++++++
   2 )="ch2re":
   2 )="Use the word#for #'expensive'.*"
   2 #for help.*"
   2 "With 'leur'#there is  no#extra 'e'.*"
   2 "By Bryan Curry"
   2 "4","au","4","pour","4 la","en","au","pour","en","au"
   2 "'Magn1tophone'#is masculine.*"
   2 "#####C'est ______!*"
   2  Loading:                       
   2   Adjectives 
   2             "
   2                               ":
   1 yd,xd;"i":
   1 y(pointer),x(pointer);"o";
   1 v$="longue"
   1 v$="grand"
   1 v$="froide"
   1 v$="courte"
   1 v$="chaude"
   1 v$="ch2rs"
   1 v$="ch2res"
   1 v$(((vv)-1
   1 tot=tot+12
   1 q$="O5 est la poste?     *"
   1 q$="O5 est la gare?     *"
   1 q$="O5 est la banque?    *"
   1 q$="C'est 4 Denise !*":
   1 q$=" La maison des Legrange.*":
   1 q$=" Ce sont 4 nous!         *":
   1 mod8      
   1 mod7      pv
   1 mod6      fw
   1 mod5      
   1 i$="Pronouns":
   1 i$="Prepositions":
   1 i$="Negatives":
   1 i$="Adjectives":
   1 e$="                                "
   1 display box
   1 c$="                               ":
   1 c$="                               "
   1 a$(pointer,f)="o"
   1 a$(pointer,f)="8"
   1 a$((pointer),f)="a"
   1 a$((pointer),f)="4"
   1 a$((pointer),f)="3"
   1 a$((pointer),f)="2"
   1 a$((pointer),f)="1"
   1 ```````````````
   1 Voici ma voiture
   1 TZXed by Andrew Barker0
   1 Pronouns & Prossessives
   1 Original Release
   1 Negatives & Interrogatives
   1 La Norvege
   1 L'Arabie Saoudite
   1 French: Tape 2 - Side A
   1 French module 8
   1 French module 7
   1 French module 6
   1 French module 5
   1 English/French
   1 Educational
   1 D         
   1 C         
   1 Adjectives & Agreements
   1 Adjectives
   1 ;a$((pointer),
   1 ;"question 3":
   1 ;"question 2";
   1 ;"pronoun in the                  following examples"
   1 ;"missing ~e~"::
   1 ;"missing ~es~":
   1 ;"haut or grand"
   1 ;"glace au";
   1 ;"glace a la";
   1 ;"fraise";
   1 ;"citron";
   1 ;"cheres";
   1 ;"You will see a picture and a    short description of it in      English. You must type in the   correct French adjective as eachword is highlighted. "
   1 ;"Try again":
   1 ;"Please write these keys down to help you."
   1 ;"Mont Blanc";
   1 ;"For further revision,refer to   ~Pronouns~ on pages 40-42."
   1 ;"For further revision,refer to   the sections ~Interrogatives~ p.32-33 and ~Negatives~ p.30-31."
   1 ;"For further revision,refer to   the section ~Prepositions~ on   pages 37 - 39." 
   1 ;"Everest":
   1 ;"Complete these sentences        comparing different objects witheach other.":
   1 ;"Complete the sentences by typingin the correct pronoun or       pronouns.":
   1 ;"Choose the correct";
   1 ;" 5 = u   8 = o"
   1 ;"   25f00        30f00"
   1 ;"             ";
   1 ;"             ":
   1 ;"                ";
   1 7,0;"                                                                                               "
   1 5f le kilo
   1 ,x(pointer);"  ":
   1 ,x(pointer);"    ":
   1 ,"            ":
   1 *question)
   1 *********done now move boat ********************
   1 )="longue":
   1 )="haut or blanc":
   1 )="froide":
   1 )="courte":
   1 )="chaude":
   1 )="ch2rs":
   1 )="ch2res":
   1 )="Use the#usual word#for 'high'#or 'tall'.*"
   1 )="Use the#usual word#for 'expensive'*"
   1 )="Use the word#for 'short'.*"
   1 )="Use the word#for 'hot'.*"
   1 )="Use the word#for 'cold'.*"
   1 )="Une glace au#citron est aussi# _______qu'une#glace 4 la #fraise*"
   1 )="The adjective#'long' has an#irregular form.*"
   1 )="Note the#subject is#LE tee-shirt.*"
   1 )="Note the#subject is#'LE melon'.*"
   1 )="Les oranges#sont plus#_______ que#les melons.*"
   1 )="Les melons#sont moins#_______ que#les oranges.*"
   1 )="Le tee-shirt#est moins#_______ que#la jupe.*"
   1 )="Le mont Everest#est plus _______#que Mont#Blanc.*"
   1 )="La jupe est#plus _________#que le #tee-shirt.*"
   1 )="La Seine est#plus _________#que la Loire.*"
   1 )="La Norv2ge est#plus _________#que l'Arabie#Saoudite.*"
   1 )="La Loire est#plus _________#que la Seine.*"
   1 )="L'Arabie#Saoudite est#plus _________#que la Norv2ge.*"
   1 (v$(((vv)-1
   1 ''''"For further revision,refer to   the section 'Adjectives' on     pages 33 - 35."
   1 ''"Complete the interview with     Gaston Lefric by typing the     correct word.":
   1 "~Les perruches~#is a feminine#plural*"
   1 "~I promise#IT to you~.#Remember vous#comes first.*"
   1 "~Give it to#him~!*"
   1 "~Give it to#him~ remember#the hyphen*"
   1 "sur","devant","dans","derri2re","sous","au-dessus de","contre","au-dessous de"
   1 "son","celui","le sien","leur","celle","la leur","ses","celles","les n8tres"
   1 "rien","que","plus","personne","qu'","pas d'","jamais","plus de","pas de","personne"
   1 "petite","jolie","1conomique","bleue"
   1 "o5","depuis","combien d'","A quelle","Pourquoi","est-ce que","comment","Est-ce que","Quel","est-ce qui"
   1 "neuves","rapides","confortables","vertes"
   1 "i've never#been there* "
   1 "entre","4 gauche de","4 droite du","en face du","4 gauche du","en face de"
   1 "en","te l'","vous le","lui","y","le-lui"
   1 "en","te l'","vous le","lui","y","le lui"
   1 "choose from#4#au #en *"
   1 "choose from#4 #pour#au*"
   1 "choose from#4 #pour# 4 la *"
   1 "choose from#4 #en #4 la*"
   1 "choose from#4 #en #4 l' *"
   1 "choose from#4 #aux #en*"
   1 "choose from#4 #au #4 la*"
   1 "choose from#4 #au #4 la *"
   1 "choose from#4 #4 la #pour* "
   1 "choose from#4 #4 l' #en* "
   1 "_____________ vous y d1jeunez?##Mais oui. J'y d1jeune tous les#jours.*"
   1 "___________ heure vous levez-#vous le matin?##Je ne me l2ve qu'4 midi.*"
   1 "___________ est-ce que vous#vous levez si tard?#Parce que je ne me couche #jamais avant trois heures du #matin.*"
   1 "__________ est-ce que vous y#allez?##J'y vais toujours dans ma #Rolls-Royce.*"
   1 "________ quand y habitez-vous?##J'y habite depuis quatre ans.*"
   1 "_______ est votre plat pr1f1r1?##J'adore le saumon fum1.*"
   1 "You need two#words to say#'not any'#See page 
   1 "You need two#words to say#'no more'.*"
   1 "Y a-t-il des chocolats dans#la bo6te?##Non. Malheureusment il n'en #reste _______.*"
   1 "Vous vous 3tes r1veill2 4 quelle#heure?##Je ne me suis r1veill2 _____#4 9 heures.*"
   1 "Vous allez souvent au cin1ma,#Michelle?##Non.Je n'y vais _________. Je#n'aime pas les films.*"
   1 "Vous 3tes jamais all2# _____ Japan?.*"
   1 "Vous 3tes jamais all1# _________ Japon?.*"
   1 "Vous 3tes jamais all1 au#Portugal?####Non,je n'_______#suis jamais#all1e*"
   1 "Vous 3tes jamais all1 au#Portugal####Non,je n'_______#suis jamais#all1e*"
   1 "Use the word#for 'nobody'.#See page 
   1 "Use the word#for 'his'#in the#plural.*"
   1 "Tu as piqu1 son ballon,Luc#######Donne-_______#tout de suite*"
   1 "Tu as piqu1 son ballon,Luc!#######Donne-_______#tout de suite!*"
   1 "Tu as ma cassette de# Culture Club?#####Non! Je _______#ai rendu hier.*"
   1 "Tu as ma cassette de# Culture Club#####Non! Je _______#ai rendu hier*"
   1 "Tu as des fr2res ou des soeurs?##Je n'ai _________ fr2res,mais#j'ai une soeur.*"
   1 "Tu as beaucoup travaill1 ce #soir?##Non. Je n'ai _______ fait*"
   1 "Tu as 1crit 4 Marc?######Oui,je _______#ai 1crit une#longue lettre.*"
   1 "Tu as 1crit 4 Marc?######Oui,je _______#ai 1crit une#longue lettre*"
   1 "Translate#~to him~*"
   1 "Translate#'who'.#See page 
   1 "Translate#'what'.#See page 
   1 "Translate#'how much'.#See page 
   1 "Translate#'how long'.#See page 
   1 "Translate#'at what time'.#Remember it is#'une heure'.*"
   1 "This is simply#turning a#statement into#a question.*"
   1 "They're new#      quick#      comfortable#      green*"
   1 "There are only#two left.#See page #
   1 "The word needed#is the same as#for 'only'.*"
   1 "The station #is opposite #the cinema.*"
   1 "The post office#is on the left #of the cinema.*"
   1 "The interviewer#wants to know#how he gets to#his club.*"
   1 "The interviewer#is asking why#he gets up so#late.*"
   1 "The interviewer#is asking which#his favourite#food is.*"
   1 "The cinema is#opposite the#station.*"
   1 "The cinema is #on the left of #the bank.*"
   1 "The cinema is #between the #post office and# the bank.*"
   1 "The bank is on #the right of #the cinema.*"
   1 "The answer is#that there are #no more.#See page#
   1 "The French#for#economical#is#~1conomique~.*"
   1 "The French#for#'comfortable'#is#'confortable'.*"
   1 "The French#for small#is ~petite~.*"
   1 "The French#for pretty#is ~joli~.*"
   1 "The French#for blue#is ~bleu~.*"
   1 "The French#for 'quick',#in this case,#is 'rapide'.*"
   1 "The French#for 'new',#in this case,#is 'neuf'.*"
   1 "The French#for 'green'#is 'vert'.*"
   1 "The English #translation is# 'under'.*"
   1 "The English #translation is# 'on'.*"
   1 "The English #translation is# 'in'.*"
   1 "The English #translation is# 'in front of'.*"
   1 "The English #translation is# 'below'.*"
   1 "The English #translation is# 'behind'.*"
   1 "The English #translation is# 'against'.*"
   1 "The English #translation is# 'above'.*"
   1 "Say ~They're#ours~*"
   1 "Remember#the accent*"
   1 "Qui 1tait chez toi hier soir?#Il n'y avait ___________ #chez moi!*"
   1 "Pourquoi est-ce qu'il n'est pas#venu ce soir?##Parce qu'il n'a _________# argent.*"
   1 "O5 est le cin1ma?    *"
   1 "O5 est le ballon? *"
   1 "Nous sommes all1s en# vacances ____ avion.*"
   1 "Nous sommes all1s en vacances# ___________ avion.*"
   1 "Mon appartment se trouve# ____ deuxi2me 1tage.*"
   1 "Mon appartement se trouve# __________ deuxi2me 1tage.*"
   1 "Michelle never#goes to the#cinema.#See page 
   1 "MAKE SURE THAT#you have used #
   1 "MAKE SURE THAT#you have only#used one word #in your answer.*"
   1 "Le weekend, j'aime bien# jouer ____ tennis.*"
   1 "Le weekend, j'aime bien jouer# ___________ tennis.*"
   1 "Le voleur a pris le sac# ___________ dame.*"
   1 "Le voleur a pris le sac# _____ dame.*"
   1 "Le train _____ Grenoble# part d'ici?.*"
   1 "Le train _____ #Grenoble part d'ici?.*"
   1 "L'arc de Triumphe se trouve# ________ Paris.*"
   1 "L'Arc de Triomphe se trouve# ________ Paris.*"
   1 "Je voudrais bien aller# __________ Italie.*"
   1 "Je voudrais bien aller# _____ Italie.*"
   1 "Je viendrai chez vous demain.######Je _______#promets.*"
   1 "Je viendrai chez demain######Je _______#promets*"
   1 "Je vais 4 l'1cole ___# pied.*"
   1 "Je vais 4 l'1cole ___ pied.*"
   1 "Je peux avoir encore du vin,#s'il vous pla6t?##D1sol1,il n'y a __________ vin.*"
   1 "It's#feminine.*"
   1 "It's not their#house.*"
   1 "It's    small#      pretty#      economical#      blue*"
   1 "It is ~1crire#4~.So #translate#~to him~.*"
   1 "It is UN#'magn1tophone'.*"
   1 "Il y a quelqu'un dans la classe#qui parle allemand?##Non. __________ ne parle #allemand ici.*"
   1 "Il est trop petit# _________ jouer au basket.*"
   1 "Il est trop petit _____# jouer au basket.*"
   1 "Il est #______________# la gare.*"
   1 "Il est #_____________#la bo6te.*"
   1 "Il est #____________#la bo6te.*"
   1 "Il est #____________ #la poste et #la banque.*"
   1 "Il est #____________ #la banque.*"
   1 "I've never#been there.* "
   1 "I promise#~it~ to you*"
   1 "I gave it back#to you#yesterday*"
   1 "I gave it back#TO YOU#yesterday.*"
   1 "He hasn't any#money.#See page 
   1 "Have you got#two of them?*"
   1 "Have you got#two of them*"
   1 "Give the word#for 'where'.#Remember the #accent.*"
   1 "Find the word#for#'nothing'.*"
   1 "Find the word#for#'nobody'.*"
   1 "Et enfin, qui _____________ vous#accompagne?##Personne! Je veux rester# c1libataire!*"
   1 "Et apr2s,qu'_____________ vous#faites?##Je vais 4 mon club.*"
   1 "Et ____________ argent gagnez-#vous par an?##Je n'ai aucune id1e.Une#fortune,je suppose.*"
   1 "Est-ce que ce magn1tophone #appartient 4 #Th1r2se?###Non, ce n'est#pas _____#magn1tophone.*"
   1 "Est-ce qu'il y a des chocolats#dans la bo6te?##Oui,mais il n'en reste _____ #deux.*"
   1 "Combien de fr2res avez-vous?#####Vous _______#avez deux?*"
   1 "Combien de fr1res avez vous#####Vous _______#avez deux*"
   1 "Choose from#son#sa#ses*"
   1 "Choose from#leur#leurs#sa#ses*"
   1 "Choose from#le sien#le sienne#la sien#la sienne*"
   1 "Choose from#le leur#la leur#la leure#la leurs*"
   1 "Ces perruches appartiennent#4 Georges?####Non. Ce ne#sont pas# ________#perruches.*"
   1 "C'est la maison#des Marin?#####Non, ce n'est#pas _____#maison.*"
   1 "Bonjour Monsieur Lefric. ____#habitez-vous?##J'habite un ch7teau pr2s de #Paris.*"
   1 "4# au #en *"
   1 "4 #pour# au*"
   1 "4 #pour# 4 la *"
   1 "4 #en #4 la*"
   1 "4 #en #4 l' *"
   1 "4 #aux #en*"
   1 "4 #au #4 la*"
   1 "4 #au #4 la *"
   1 "4 #4 la #pour* "
   1 "4 #4 l' #en* "
   1 "#####Ce sont# _______!*"
   1 "#####Ce sont# ______ qui#nous#appartiennent*"
   1 "#####C'est ______!#de Denise.*"
   1 "#####C'est _____!#des Legrange.*"
   1  give right answer  
   1  Pan Course Tutors/Hill MacGibbon
   1  B. Pronouns and 
   1  B. Negatives and   
   1  A. Prepositions 
   1  A. Adjectives and  
   1   subq  display sub question    
   1   question 3
   1   Prepositions 
   1    Prepositions 
   1      possessives 
   1      interrogatives 
   1      agreements     
   1         SURVIVANTS       
   1         4f le kilo"
   1         ";
   1                "
   1                      "